Hill Annex Mine Fossil Gallery

Fossils From the Cretaceous Era Coleraine Formation in Calumet, MN

Fossils found on April 28, 2019


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Leaf imprints found by Jane

(This was in an unusual type of sedimentary rock for this pile - but that is probably why it has leaves in it and not snails.)

A very impressive ammonite found by Autumn. An example of the species Dunveganoceras hagei in my opinion.

An ammonite I found picking off a piece of a blue green shale boulder. One cal tell it is an ammonite by the jagged suture lines - which is how an ammonite grows its shell. This is Metoicoceras bergquisti in my opinion. I am always in awe of the colors in this kind of rock. The brown rectangle in the center of the rock is potentially a leaf imprint.

Inoceramus hiding by the leaves.

Unusually colored bivalve that appears to have some shell material remaining. The purple is probably due to hematite replacement. (Found at Far Pile location)